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Lori Weber
Dec 29, 2023
That January feeling (and why you shouldn't go on a diet)
Post Christmas is the time of year when we can start to feel that build of up anxiety about how we’ve overindulged over the festival...
Lori Weber
Jun 30, 2023
Does your holiday have to be a blow-out?
OK, so if you like it that way, then that's fine, of course! But many of my clients speak regretfully about a holiday-induced shift in...
Lori Weber
May 29, 2023
The summer weight loss trap
Being overweight in the summer can make us feel more uncomfortable than at other times of the year. It is difficult when it's hot and it...
Lori Weber
Apr 4, 2023
Diets don't work!
Many of us have been on diets which start well but then fail. Guess what? It's not our fault! How many diets can you count you've done -...
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